Restoration Fellowship
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Who We Are

We are a group of men and women to whom God has given a vision to plant a new church that would appeal primarily, but not exclusively, to people in any 12-step recovery program, their families and friends. The main goal of all 12-step program participants is to achieve a spiritual awakening, living their lives on a spiritual, but not necessarily religious, basis. There is a significant percentage of these people that are spiritually hungry for God, but without direction or outlet for this hunger. Many members of 12 Step programs have come to believe in God, but have been unable to find an existing church in which they are comfortable. Many of us simply don’t "fit in" in a traditional worship setting. It is our objective to create such a church.


Restoration Fellowship Mission Statement

To serve, support and feed the spiritual hunger of those seeking recovery, and their families and friends.

Restoration Fellowship Vision Statement

At Restoration Fellowship we envision planting a church that will specialize in ministry to those in recovery and their friends and families through the power of the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus Christ. We envision this ministry as one that will be hosted by established churches and provide informal, contemporary worship led by pastors who understand and participate in recovery and supported by congregations throughout the city.  


copyright 2006